Hoan My Hospital in Da Nang Hoan My Hospital in Da Nang is one of the most trusted addresses and is among the top hospitals in Vietnam. Every day, the hospital receives safe and healthy pregnant women and newborns. To do this, Hoan My Da Nang Hospital has equipped the most advanced equipment in the delivery rooms and care rooms.
Accompanying with the hospital and mothers, the Moaz BéBé brand has also supported solutions and equipment such as bottles warmers, sterilizers dryers, smart electric kettles, thermometers, etc. To ensure care for both mother and baby at the hospital.
Peace of mind when giving birth at Hoan My Da Nang Hospital
When welcoming a little angel, it is very important to learn about the facilities for giving birth. Because each family will have its own need to use services and equipment at the hospital. To do this, the hospital has equipped rooms according to each stage of the mother’s birth:
- Birth waiting room
- Normal birth room/family birth room/cesarean section room
- Postoperative room after surgery
- Postpartum care room.

Close-up of the postpartum care room at Hoan My Da Nang hospital
Each patient room is guaranteed with clean facilities, layout, and equipment to serve pregnant women. Staff system supports disinfection and cleaning twice a day, with air conditioning system, refrigerator, wardrobe, baby care equipment… Ensuring comfort, privacy and peace of mind for the whole family.
To support mother and baby care during the postpartum period. Moaz BéBé brand sponsors and provides equipment for hospitals such as dryer sterilizer combined with milk warmer, water heater, thermometer, etc. To help mothers take care of their babies more easily. Mothers can use Moaz BéBe products for free at the postpartum care room of Hoan My hospital!
Why should you choose Moaz BéBé products?
Moaz BéBe brand – is a provider of top quality mother and baby care products in Vietnam. Products such as: milk warmer, sterilizer, bottle dryer, water heater, infrared thermometer, electronic scale all receive positive feedback from mothers who trust their use.
- Clear origin: All Moaz products are officially imported to Vietnam. Full CO CQ certification (certificate of origin and quality)
- Safe for users: The machine has environmentally friendly materials. Licensed to use for children as standard PP plastic implementing GB 4806.7 – 2016. Standard glass bottle implementing GB 4806.5 – 2016
- Convenience to use: The machines serve baby care quickly. Optimize time and effort so parents can relax while working and taking care of their baby.
- Gold warranty: Moaz Bébé warranty up to 24 months and 1 for 1 exchange when there is a manufacturer error.

Moaz BéBé – Leading brand providing mother and baby products
Once again, Moaz would like to sincerely thank Hoan My Da Nang Hospital for trusting Moaz BéBé. We hope that Moaz BéBe will accompany mothers in their journey of taking care of their children and SPREADING LOVE to their children even more!